We have expanded our production capacity by installing 2 new 1 ton electric furnaces each, in this way we have improved our melting capacity by 15%.
Investments must be made to follow the growth of our customers!
Abbiamo ampliato la nostra capacità produttiva installando 2 nuove fornaci elettriche da 1 tonnellata ciscuna.
In questo modo abbiamo migliorato la nostra capacità di fusione del 15%.
Gli investimenti devono essere fatti per seguire la crescita dei nostri clienti!
I principali produttori di componenti aftermarket per camion fanno affidamento sui servizi di per Fonderia Taroni per la produzione di componenti/fusioni in alluminio aftermarket per camion completi di lavorazioni meccaniche e trattamenti termici.
Fonderia Taroni è in grado di fornire i componenti aftermarket per camion finiti di grandi dimensioni e e anche in basse quantità (100 pezzi per lotto).
Da Fonderia Taroni i clienti possono trovare il know-how e i servizi di ingegneria più aggiornati, comprese le simulazioni di colata e prototipazione rapida per offrire e ottenere affidabili soluzioni di componenti aftermarket.
Nella produzione di componenti per camion per il settore aftermarket, Fonderia Taroni implementa la più recente tecnologia di colata a gravità al fine di ottenere getti di alta qualità con precisione dimensionale e qualità superficiale migliorata. Inoltre, una volta prodotti le fusioni in alluminio, Fonderia Taroni dispone di un laboratorio di controllo interno e delle più recenti strutture NDT (controlli non distruttivi): controllo dimensionale 3D, raggi X, test penetranti. Al fine di garantire affidabilità dei componenti per il settore aftermarket.
Fonderia Taroni garantisce una pronta risposta alle esigenze dei clienti ovunque si trovino; l'organizzazione ha un chiaro orientamento verso lo sviluppo di componenti con requisiti di consegna brevi. I componenti in alluminio aftermarket per camion attualmente sono utilizzati in Europa e Stati Uniti (USA).
The leading manufacturers of aftermarket truck components rely on the services of Taroni foundry for the production of aftermarket aluminum components / castings for trucks complete with machining and heat treatments. Taroni Foundry is able to supply aftermarket components for large finished trucks and also in low quantities (100 pieces per lot). From Taroni foundry customers can find the most up-to-date know-how and engineering services, including casting simulations and rapid prototyping to offer and obtain reliable aftermarket component solutions.In the production of components for trucks for the aftermarket sector, Taroni foundry implements the latest gravity casting technology in order to obtain high quality castings with dimensional precision and improved surface quality. Furthermore, once the aluminum castings are produced, Taroni foundry has an internal control laboratory and the most recent NDT (non-destructive testing) structures: 3D dimensional control, X-rays, penetrating tests. In order to guarantee the reliability of the components for the aftermarket sector. Taroni foundry guarantees a prompt response to customer needs wherever they are; the organization has a clear orientation towards the development of components with short delivery requirements. Aftermarket aluminum components for trucks are currently used in Europe and the United States (USA).
The leading manufacturers of aftermarket truck components rely on the services of Taroni foundryfor the production of aftermarket aluminum components / castings for trucks complete with machining and heat treatments.
Un'altro obiettivo raggiuntoun'altro obiettivo raggiunto!
Installato un secondo forno fusorio per le leghe leggere d'alluminio utilizzate da Fonderia Taroni.
Grazie a questo nuovo investimento, la capacità produttiva di Fonderia Taroni potrà aumantare di circa il 30%.
Another goal achieved!
A second melting furnace was installed for the light aluminum alloys used by Fonderia Taroni.
Production capabilities grows close to 30% !
Another objective achieved another goal achieved!
A second melting furnace was installed for the light aluminum alloys used by Fonderia Taroni.
Production capabilities grows close to 30% !
We have developed and manufactured the steel mold based on the customer's requirements.
After the approval of the prototypes by the customer, we now produce aluminum castings.
Now the gearbox is ready for the aftermarket.
Technical features:
Aluminium alloy: EN AC 42100 T6
Weight: 47 kg
Dimensions: 45 x 45 x 60 cm
We have developed and manufactured the steel mold based on the customer's requirements.
After the approval of the prototypes by the customer, we now produce aluminum castings.
Now the gearbox is ready for the aftermarket.
Technical features:
Aluminium alloy: EN AC 42100 T6
Weight: 47 kg
Dimensions: 45 x 45 x 60 cm
Abbiamo sviluppato e realizzato lo stampo in acciaio sulla base dei requisiti del cliente.
Dopo l'approvazione dei prototipi da parte dele cliente, ora realizziamo le fusioni in alluminio.
Ora la scatola del cambio è pronta per il mercato aftermarket.
Caratteristiche tecniche:
Lega utilizzata: EN AC 42100 T6
Peso: 47 kg
Dimensioni: 45 x 45 x 60 cm
Certification to the AS9100 series demonstrates your ability to meet requirements and the needs of potential customers, resulting in enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction and a competitive advantage. Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) in the aerospace industry require AS9100 certification from suppliers and subcontractors. Certification promotes continual improvement and reduces and prevents errors, leading to cost savings. Learn more about the standards below.
AS9100 is the quality systems aerospace model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing. It was developed using the ISO 9001 standard. It builds upon requirements to produce a globally harmonized standard that meets the requirements of aerospace companies worldwide. AS 9100 was the first standard available for use across the global aerospace community.
Certification to the AS9100 series demonstrates your ability to meet requirements and the needs of potential customers, resulting in enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction and a competitive advantage. Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) in the aerospace industry require AS9100 certification from suppliers and subcontractors. Certification promotes continual improvement and reduces and prevents errors, leading to cost savings. Learn more about the standards below.
AS9100 is the quality systems aerospace model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing. It was developed using the ISO 9001 standard. It builds upon requirements to produce a globally harmonized standard that meets the requirements of aerospace companies worldwide. AS 9100 was the first standard available for use across the global aerospace community.
The leading manufacturers of aftermarket truck components rely on the services of Taroni foundryfor the production of aftermarket aluminum components / castings for trucks complete with machining and heat treatments.
New Kuka 500 kg is coming.
Another step in Industry 4.0 for our Company
New Kuka 500 kg is coming Another step in Industry 4.0 for our Company
New Kuka 500 kg is coming Another step in Industry 4.0 for our Company
Look at the video
New Kuka 500 kg is coming Another step in Industry 4.0 for our Company
Look at the video
X-rays of aluminum castings for aftermarket trucks in accordance with ASTM E155 standard
X-rays of aluminum castings for aftermarket trucks in accordance with ASTM E155 standard
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Fonderia Taroni
Operational headquarters
Via Roma, 107
48011 Alfonsine - RA - ITALY
T +39 0544 84380
Email: sales@fonderiataroni.com
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