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Case Studies


Case Study: Top foundry for Hypercars

At Fonderia Taroni, we're thrilled to share the success of a recent case study focusing on our aluminum alloys for the automotive industry.
Key Findings: Through meticulous tensile testing adhering to the ISO 6892-1 standard, our aluminum alloy specimens have exhibited an impressive elongation percentage exceeding 18%.
This remarkable result is a testament to our commitment to precision at every step of the casting process.

Insights from Micrographic Analysis: The micrographic analysis tells the story of correct melting practices, showcasing the importance of our dedication to quality control. This level of attention ensures that our alloys meet and exceed industry standards.

Why It Matters: 
In the automotive sector, where durability and performance are paramount, achieving such high elongation is a game-changer. It speaks volumes about the reliability and quality of Fonderia Taroni's aluminum products, solidifying our position as the Top Foundry for HyperCars.

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