• +39 0544 84380
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Operational Headquarters - Italy

Via Roma, 101 - 48011 - Alfonsine (RA) - Italy

FT Casting corporation USA

FT Casting Corporation - USA

Eastern USA
CT, DE, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT, Quebec)

Talbot Associates Inc.

Eastern and Midwest US
(IN, IL, MI, OH, Western NY, Ontario)

Greg Benson
Point Industrial

Western USA
(CA, AZ, NV, OR, WA)
Metal Products Inc
Newport Mesa Centre
1599 Superior Ave # A2, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, USA
T. +1 949-759-8100

Western Pennsylvania
Tim Benson
Point Industrial

New York
Brad Benson
Point Industrial
Talbot Associates Inc

Technical & Sales - EUROPE

Massimiliano Taroni
Massimiliano TaroniCEO & Technical sales manager
+39 0544 84380
Sara Fenati
Sara FenatiAccount manager
Fabio Benini
Fabio BeniniExport sales manager

Technical Office

Massimo Manzoli
Massimo ManzoliProject Engineer

Quality System and Environment

Racha Abou Diwan
Racha Abou DiwanQuality end Environment manager

Quality Control

Iman Rahnama
Iman RahnamaMetallurgical Engineer

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