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EN4300 vs EN42100

EN4300 vs EN42100

Why use aluminium alloy EN43300 instead of EN42100 in the permanent mold casting process

The aluminum alloy EN 42100 (equivalent to ASTM 356.2) and the EN 43300 alloy (equivalent to ASTM B179-82) are both used in the gravity casting process of aluminum, but they have significant differences.

In particular, the EN 43300 alloy is characterized by greater thermal stability compared to the EN 42100 alloy. This property makes it particularly suitable for use in the energy transformer sector, where high temperatures can negatively affect material performance.

Additionally, the EN 43300 alloy exhibits good corrosion and high temperature resistance, as well as greater hardness and mechanical strength compared to the EN 42100 alloy. This makes it suitable for the production of aluminum parts subject to high mechanical stress, such as engine or industrial machine parts.

Finally, the EN 43300 alloy also has better workability compared to the EN 42100 alloy, resulting in easier production of complex and high-quality parts.

Although both alloys are used in the aluminum gravity casting process, the EN 43300 alloy offers several advantages over the EN 42100 alloy, particularly in terms of thermal stability, mechanical strength, and workability, making it an ideal choice for energy transformers and other industrial applications.

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