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The Largest Gravity Die-Casting Machine in Europe

The Largest Gravity Die-Casting Machine in Europe

The Largest Gravity Die-Casting Machine in Europe
Fonderia Taroni continues to innovate and invest in its growth, and today we are proud to announce our latest milestone: the acquisition of the largest gravity die-casting machine in Europe!

With a spacious working area of 2500 x 2500 x 2000 mm, this state-of-the-art die-casting machine represents a significant step forward in our production capacity. It allows us to create even larger and more complex aluminum gigacastings, opening the door to new opportunities and challenges in the industry.

This investment demonstrates our commitment to technological innovation and delivering high-quality products to our customers. Please continue to follow us for further updates on our growth and the new capabilities we are developing.
Thank you for being a part of our successful journey.

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